Monday, April 15, 2013

Your success, your failure, your influence, your whole life you carry about … by Charles E Milder

Your success, your failure, your influence, your whole life you carry about with you, for your dominant trends of thought are the determining in your destiny. Send forth loving, stainless, and happy thoughts, and blessings will fall into your hands and your table will be spread with the cloth of peace. Send forth hateful, impure, and unhappy thoughts, and curses will rain down upon you, and fear and unrest will wait upon your pillow. You are the unconditional maker of your faith, be that faith what it may. Every moment you are sending forth from you the influences that will make or mar your life. Let your heart grow large and loving and unselfish, and great and lasting will be your influence and success, even though you make little money. Confine it within the narrow limits of self-interest, and even though you become a millionaire, your influence and success at the final reckoning will be found to be utterly insignificant.

Cultivate, then, this pure and unselfish sprit and combine it with purity and faith, singleness of purpose, and your evolving from within the elements not only of abounding health and enduring success but of greatness and power.

By Charles E Milder